Aim High 3 - The Original Babylon Burner

I’ve had this mixtape on heavy rotation for over a month now and I'd say it’s probably even better than the first two. Put together by Roll Deep’s Target and showcasing pretty much of the crew’s 2340 or so members, plus others including Ruff Sqwad, Bruza, Doctor and Syer – this mixtape series has worked better than most others largely because the sounds have a consistent, unified feel to them. The whole thing is produced mainly by Target with (other RD producer) Danny Weed chipping in occasionally.
Things kick in when several MCs get to work on the Alligator Riddim, sounding very new agey in using seductive middle eastern horns and a fuller rhythm, which seems to be a post-Duppy trend. Riko and Flowdan are on particularly good form here, the latter appointing the riddim ‘the original Babylon burner’. Other standout tracks include Ruff Sqwad’s gothic freestyle, Dog Z’s sanguine ‘nightshift’ (using the old Commodores tune), and All in One’s freestyle, which announces his return to the scene. The only downsides really are the contributions from Alex Mills (I’m all for R’n’G but she doesn’t do anything for me) and the DVD is the standard fare of overlong interviews (the same people proclaiming "big tings for 2006" as had for 04 and 05) interspersed with some occasiuonally good footage.
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