Hackney Road in East London is a good example of how development in London is slightly more incremental and organic than in most cities. A combination of high land values, weak local government means that the master-planning approach you get in most provincial cities is avoided here. In fact you’d be pushed to find two buildings the same on Hackney Road. Each one comes from a different time, has it’s own architectural style and there’s no attempt to follow any urban design etiquette of fitting in with surroundings. A lot of the road is also derelict, probably land-banked by long-term investors and sites are covered by billboards or urban graffiti artists -wannabe banksias. There are other bits which are extremely affluent – three quarters of a million pound houses and there are Hackney social housing blocks, which tend to be slightly angled away from the road as if posturing an uncompromised stance. There’s the pubs and ex pubs, you can get a cheaper pint in the Marksmen than perhaps many parts of Britain, Morrissey used to frequent the Seabright Arms, the George and Dragon is a favourite for the Hoxton luvvies and drag queens, while Browns and other strip clubs continues the area’s long-standing subservient relationship to the nearby City district
What: Vyner Street Festival Where: Vyner St, off Cambridge Heath Rd, E2 When: Saturday 26th August, Sunday 27th August 28th Organised by: The Eel Collective (www.myspace.com/eelfanzine) and The Victory pub
Previous: Though the street party has been happening for a few years (organised solely by the Victory pub), last year saw the event grow into a fully fledged arts and music festival. The street was closed to traffic, a stage was built, a market and kids play area was set up and the street was decorated with bunting for the village fete theme. Several bands (including Alan Tyler, Tits of Death, Jesus Licks, Blanket, The Council…) and DJs performed on the main stage and the market was given over to artists. Over 500 people attended the event, which raised money for FSIDs, which sponsors research into cot death syndrome.
Details for 2006 festival: The festival will follow a similar format to last year with music, art, kids, food and beer. The theme though this year is 30yrs since punk, with the “Punk Olympics” organised for kids and elders. We have several bands and DJs interested in playing and will be making decisions on that shortly – we will have 2 stages – the main eel stage and a smaller stage (yet to be named!). We will again be running the market and are looking for stall holders from people wanting to sell weird arty shit. The Victory pub will take care of beer, food and a kiddie area.
How you can help: We’re looking for people/organisations to get involved in the day – particularly those with a connection to Vyner St or Broadway Market/London Fields/Victoria Pk area. Help is needed in terms of: - More ideas to make it work! - Bands, djs, market stalls holders - People prepared to help in the running (before and on the day) - Finance, sponsorship (we have some but could do with some more) - Marketing and communicating the event
Please let me know if you are interested?!
If so, we’re holding a meeting at the Victory pub on Vyner Street on this Sunday 6-7pm – please come along – bring your ideas and support
Meanwhile here's a little youtube of us making the Vyner fanzine on London Fields in one day (the flash eel)
Friday 14th July, one of the last ever Hat on the Wall - Laboratory of Adult Rock (www.myspace.com/thelaboratory) nights (it’s a-closing down). I’ll be deejaying with Ross (Post Records) and Matt Tree (Wolverhampton Wanderers) the usual mixture of stuff applies
Sunday 16th July, the Eel Collective (www.myspace.com/eelfanzine) will be putting together a flash edition of the Eel fanzine in one day on London Fields as part of the Hackney Mile of Art project. We’ll be providing the typewriters, photocopiers, canvases – you’ll be doing the thinking, writing, photographing and art work (on London Fields) and the end product will be published.
Friday 21st July is the next Dirty Canvas night (www.myspace.com/dirtycanvas), with Ears, Unothodox, DJ Prancehall and DJ Magic (flier above). This is the last Dirty Canvas at the Whitechapel before we move to the ICA in September, so get down to take a look, the performances for the first 3 nights have been brilliant
Finally there's the Vyner Street Festival (also organised by the Eel Collective) taking place on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th August (12-12) on Vyner St (off Cambridge Heath Rd), with live music, market stalls, the punk olympics and plenty of other stuff to be announced.